Why Choose Wislyn?

Why Choose Wislyn?

Providing Services which includes: Continuous Security Monitoring and Cyber Liability Insurance – No Cyber security company can provide 100% protection against all attacks, but they should get you 95% protection from such threats and cyber insurance should cover the remaining 5% exposure.

Our view is that companies’ budget should not limit an organization in fulfilling their security needs, so we don’t limit our clients-we find ways!

We understand that some companies do not know what their security needs are, therefore, we offer free initial security consultant to identity and understand what are the problems before you spend any money.

We understand not all organizations have the budget to have a security expert on site and monitoring their data and identity, so we offer 24 hours Continuous Security Monitoring.

Whether your organization is domestic or international we can fulfill your security needs with Wislyn Security Experts and Certified Partners:

OUR SECURITY MANAGEMENT TEAM CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATIONS: ISO 27001, CISSP, or Certified Information Systems Security Professional, CISA, or Certified Information Systems’ Auditor, plus 12 additional certifications.

In summary:  Value, Competency, Integrity, unmatched in this industry, plus our experience, trust, custom solutions and results, are the core reasons that clients choose us.