Monthly Archives - May 2016

SOA Testing Techniques

SOA Testing Tools for Black, White and Gray Box Web Services are the foundations of modern Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).  Typical Web Services include message exchange between a consumer and a producer using SOAP request and responses over the ubiquitous HTTP protocol. A Web service producer advertises its services to potential consumers through Web Services Description Language (WSDL) – an XML file that contains details of available operations, execution endpoints and expected SOAP request-response structures. Many testing techniques and methodologies developed over the years apply to Web Services-based SOA systems as well.  Through functional, regression, unit, integration, system and [...]

IT Security Testing And Analysis

A network vulnerability assessment is a detailed study of the network security infrastructure of an organization’s systems. From a user workstation to the operating systems, databases, firewalls, and Internet routers, a network vulnerability assessment covers every piece of the information systems infrastructure in order to provide a comprehensive and consistent security vulnerability assessment of the current state of the information security architecture.   Enterprise Risk Management’s information security network vulnerability assessment evaluations provide an in-depth technical security review of the hardware and software components supporting the technical infrastructure of an organization. To provide the best results, we supplement automated [...]